Since I was a little kid I've been extremely curious. The first dataset I ever worked with was a world map that my dad gave me when I was 8. I memorized as many countries and the respective capitals and flags I could just for fun.

Data Science was what I needed to feed my constant curiosity in the adult life. I work with data ever since I began as an intern in 2017 and when the pandemic began I dove deeper into this world. Since then I have been working in projects on different areas like sports, real estate, politics and public health.

I'm always open to the community, and feel like I have to give back in some way the knowledge I gained for free, and that is the reason for this Medium, so don't hesitate to contact me!

Bruno Caraffa

Bruno Caraffa

Bruno Caraffa — The best Data Scientist in my house. Data Intelligence Coordinator @Wiz Co. @Brasília/Brazil.